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Canine ELISA Kits List
Cat No.NameDescriptionSizeQtyPriceAction
CP0626Canine PC/CPG ELISA Kitcholine phosphoglyceride$495Add to Cart
CP0627Canine PCA-1/Yo ELISA Kitpurkinje cell autoantibody$495Add to Cart
CP0628Canine PCK ELISA KitPhosphoenolpyruvate Carboxykinase$495Add to Cart
CP0629Canine P-CK ELISA KitCanine Pan-cytokein $495Add to Cart
CP0631Canine PCP ELISA KitProcollagen C peptidase$495Add to Cart
CP0634Canine PDGF-BB ELISA Kitplatelet-derived growth factor-BB$495Add to Cart
CP0635Canine PDHE1 ELISA KitPyruvate Dehydrogenase -E1$495Add to Cart
CP0639Canine PDXK ELISA KitCanine Pyridoxal /pyridoxine vitamin B6 Kinase $495Add to Cart
CP0640Canine PDXP ELISA KitPyridoxal /pyridoxine vitamin B6 -phosphatase$495Add to Cart
CP0642Canine Pentosidine ELISA KitCanine Pentosidine $495Add to Cart
CP0644Canine PERK ELISA KitCanine Phospho-exiracellular signal-regulated kinase $495Add to Cart
CP0646Canine PF3 ELISA KitCanine Platelet factor 3 $495Add to Cart
CP0649Canine PFKP ELISA KitCanine Phosphofructokinase- Platelet $495Add to Cart
CP0650Canine PFN ELISA KitCanine Plasma fibronectin $495Add to Cart
CP0651Canine PGAM2 ELISA KitCanine Phosphoglycee Mutase 2 $495Add to Cart
CP0652Canine PGDS ELISA KitCanine Prostaglandin D Synthase $495Add to Cart
CP0653Canine PGE1 ELISA KitCanine Prostaglandin E1 $495Add to Cart
CP0656Canine PG-E2 ELISA KitProstaglandin E2$495Add to Cart
CP0657Canine PGF ELISA Kitplatelet growth factor$495Add to Cart
CP0658Canine PG-F ELISA KitCanine Prostaglandin F $495Add to Cart
CP0659Canine PGF2a ELISA KitCanine Prostaglandin F2a $495Add to Cart
CP0660Canine PGM ELISA KitPhosphoglucomulase$495Add to Cart
CP0661Canine P-gp ELISA Kitpermeability glycoprotein,P-gp $495Add to Cart
CP0663Canine PHC ELISA Kitprimary hepatic carcinoma,PHC $495Add to Cart
CP0664Canine PHSA ELISA KitPoly Serium Antigen,PHSA $495Add to Cart
CP0665Canine PI Ab -IgG/IgM ELISA KitCanine Phosphatidylinositol antibody IgG/IgM $495Add to Cart
CP0666Canine PI13K ELISA KitPhosphotylinosital 3 kinase$495Add to Cart
CP0667Canine PIIINP ELISA KitN-terminal procollagen III propeptide$495Add to Cart
CP0668Canine PKB ELISA KitCanine Protein kinase B $495Add to Cart
CP0669Canine PI-lgG/lgM ELISA Kitphosphatidylinositol antibody lgG/lgM$495Add to Cart



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Start from $40/each

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Optimized for enhanced
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XPromoter 2.0
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Cover All Epitopes