Buy Anserine ELISA Kits | Anserine ELISA Kits Online

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Anserine ELISA Kits List
Cat No.NameDescriptionSizeQtyPriceAction
AI0040Anserine IL-12 ELISA KitInterleukin 12 $495Add to Cart
AI0042Anserine IFI16 ELISA KitInterferon Gamma Inducible Protein 16 (IFI16)$495Add to Cart
AI0041Anserine IL-31 ELISA KitInterleukin 31 (IL31)$495Add to Cart
AI0043Anserine IL-13 ELISA KitInterleukin 13 $495Add to Cart
AI0044Anserine IgE ELISA KitImmunoglobulin E $495Add to Cart
AI0045Anserine IgM ELISA KitImmunoglobulin M $495Add to Cart
AI0046Anserine IS ELISA KitIndoxyl Sulfate $495Add to Cart
AI0048Anserine IFN-α-Ab ELISA KitInterferon-伪 antibody ELSA KIT$495Add to Cart
AI0047Anserine IL-9 ELISA KitInterleukin 9 $495Add to Cart
AI0059Anserine IAP ELISA KitImmunosuppressive Acidic Protein $495Add to Cart
AI0063Anserine IL-8 ELISA KitInterleukin 8 $495Add to Cart
AI0064Anserine IDO ELISA KitIndoleamine 2,3-Dioxygenase $495Add to Cart
AI0065Anserine IgG ELISA KitImmunoglobulin G $495Add to Cart
AI0066Anserine IgD ELISA KitImmunoglobulin D $495Add to Cart
AI0067Anserine IgD ELISA KitPertussis virus IgD ELSA KIT$495Add to Cart
AI0069Anserine IGFBP1 ELISA KitInsulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 1 (IGFBP1)$495Add to Cart
AI0076Anserine IGFBP2 ELISA KitInsulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 2 (IGFBP2)$495Add to Cart
AI0081Anserine IGFBP3 ELISA KitInsulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 3 (IGFBP3)$495Add to Cart
AI0091Anserine IGFBP4 ELISA KitInsulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 4 (IGFBP4)$495Add to Cart
AI0097Anserine IGFBP5 ELISA KitInsulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 5 (IGFBP5)$495Add to Cart
AI0101Anserine IGFBP6 ELISA KitInsulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 6 (IGFBP6)$495Add to Cart
AI0104Anserine IgM ELISA KitPertussis virus IgM ELSA KIT$495Add to Cart
AI0106Anserine INB-α ELISA KitInhibin 伪 $495Add to Cart
AI0107Anserine INHA ELISA KitInhibin A (INHA)$495Add to Cart
AI0111Anserine INHBP ELISA KitInhibin Binding Protein (INHBP)$495Add to Cart
AI0114Anserine INH尾A ELISA KitInhibin Beta A (INHbA)$495Add to Cart
AI0117Anserine INH尾B ELISA KitInhibin Beta B (INHbB)$495Add to Cart
AI0118Anserine INH尾C ELISA KitInhibin Beta C (INHbC)$495Add to Cart
AI0125Anserine INSL5 ELISA KitInsulin Like Protein 5 (INSL5)$495Add to Cart
AI0127Anserine ITF2 ELISA KitTrefoil Factor 2 (TFF2)$495Add to Cart



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Start from $40/each

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Cover All Epitopes