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Anserine ELISA Kits List
Cat No.NameDescriptionSizeQtyPriceAction
AS0042Anserine α-SYNo ELISA Kit伪 Synuclein oligomer $495Add to Cart
AS0043Anserine SNAP-25 ELISA KitSynaptosome Associated Protein 25 $495Add to Cart
AS0044Anserine S100A7 ELISA KitS100 Calcium Binding Protein A7 (S100A7)$495Add to Cart
AS0045Anserine S100A8 ELISA KitS100 Calcium Binding Protein A8 (S100A8)$495Add to Cart
AS0046Anserine S100A9 ELISA KitS100 Calcium Binding Protein A9 (S100A9)$495Add to Cart
AS0049Anserine S100B ELISA KitS100 Calcium Binding Protein B (S100B)$495Add to Cart
AS0051Anserine S100P ELISA KitS100 Calcium Binding Protein P (S100P)$495Add to Cart
AS0056Anserine S17AH ELISA Kit17-Alpha Hydroxylase (S17AH)$495Add to Cart
AS0061Anserine SAG ELISA KitS Antigen (SAG)$495Add to Cart
AS0062Anserine SBEM ELISA KitSmall Breast Epithelial Mucin (SBEM)$495Add to Cart
AS0063Anserine SCCA1 ELISA KitSquamous Cell Carcinoma Antigen 1 (SCCA1)$495Add to Cart
AS0064Anserine SCCA2 ELISA KitSquamous Cell Carcinoma Antigen 2 (SCCA2)$495Add to Cart
AS0068Anserine SCT ELISA KitSecretin (SCT)$495Add to Cart
AS0070Anserine SCTR ELISA KitSecretin Receptor (SCTR)$495Add to Cart
AS0071Anserine SDC4 ELISA KitSyndecan 4 (SDC4)$495Add to Cart
AS0074Anserine SDF1 ELISA KitStromal Cell Derived Factor 1 (SDF1)$495Add to Cart
AS0077Anserine SDF2 ELISA KitStromal Cell Derived Factor 2 (SDF2)$495Add to Cart
AS0080Anserine SDF2L1 ELISA KitStromal Cell Derived Factor 2 Like Protein 1 (SDF2L1)$495Add to Cart
AS0083Anserine SDF4 ELISA KitStromal Cell Derived Factor 4 (SDF4)$495Add to Cart
AS0086Anserine SELE ELISA KitSelectin, Endothelium (SELE)$495Add to Cart
AS0090Anserine SEMA7A ELISA KitSemaphorin 7A (SEMA7A)$495Add to Cart
AS0093Anserine SEPP1 ELISA KitSelenoprotein P1, Plasma (SEPP1)$495Add to Cart
AS0091Anserine SEMA3A ELISA Kit Semaphorin 3 $495Add to Cart
AS0096Anserine SERT ELISA KitSerotonin Transporter (SERT)$495Add to Cart
AS0100Anserine SF1 ELISA KitSteroidogenic Factor 1 (SF1)$495Add to Cart
AS0103Anserine SPJ ELISA KitSurfactant Protein J (SPJ)$495Add to Cart
AS0111Anserine SHH ELISA KitHedgehog Homolog, Sonic (SHH)$495Add to Cart
AS0114Anserine SIGLEC12 ELISA KitSialic Acid Binding Ig Like Lectin 12 (SIGLEC12)$495Add to Cart
AS0116Anserine SIGLEC3 ELISA KitSialic Acid Binding Ig Like Lectin 3 (SIGLEC3)$495Add to Cart
AS0118Anserine SLC ELISA KitSecondary Lymphoid Tissue Chemokine (SLC)$495Add to Cart



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