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Human ELISA Kits List
Cat No.NameDescriptionSizeQtyPriceAction
HP0172Human PTPRN ELISA KitProtein Tyrosine Phosphatase Receptor Type N$495Add to Cart
HP0171Human PTPRO ELISA KitProtein Tyrosine Phosphatase Receptor Type O (PTPRO)$495Add to Cart
HP0168Human PG ELISA KitProteoglycans $495Add to Cart
HP0167Human PTN ELISA KitPleiotrophin $495Add to Cart
HP0166Human PTGS2 ELISA KitProstaglandin Endoperoxide Synthase 2 (PTGS2)$495Add to Cart
HP0165Human PTGS1 ELISA KitProstaglandin Endoperoxide Synthase 1 $495Add to Cart
HP0164Human PTGIS ELISA KitProstaglandin I Synthase $495Add to Cart
HP0163Human PTGES2 ELISA KitProstaglandin E Synthase 2 $495Add to Cart
HP0162Human PTGES ELISA KitProstaglandin E Synthase, Microsomal $495Add to Cart
HP0161Human PTF1α ELISA KitPancreas Specific Transcription Factor 1a (PTF1a)$495Add to Cart
HP0160Human PS尾1G ELISA KitPregnancy Specific Beta 1 Glycoprotein 1 (PSG1)$495Add to Cart
HP0159Human PSP ELISA KitPersephin $495Add to Cart
HP0158Human PsmRAb ELISA KitAnti-Presynaptic Membrane Receptor Antibody (PsmRAb)$495Add to Cart
HP0157Human PSAP ELISA KitProsaposin $495Add to Cart
HP0156Human PS2 ELISA KitPresenilin 2 (PS2)$495Add to Cart
HP0155Human PRSS12 ELISA KitProtease, Serine 12 $495Add to Cart
HP0154Human PRSS1 ELISA KitProtease, Serine 1 $495Add to Cart
HP0153Human PRR4 ELISA KitProline Rich Protein 4, Lacrimal $495Add to Cart
HP0152Human ProZ ELISA KitProtein Z $495Add to Cart
HP0151Human PROS ELISA KitProtein S $495Add to Cart
HP0150Human Pro-Hepc ELISA KitPro-Hepcidin $495Add to Cart
HP0149Human PROCR ELISA KitProtein C Receptor, Endothelial $495Add to Cart
HP0148Human ProC ELISA KitProtein C $495Add to Cart
HP0147Human PRKAa1 ELISA KitProtein Kinase, AMP Activated Alpha 1 $495Add to Cart
HP0146Human PRF1 ELISA KitPerforin 1 $495Add to Cart
HP0145Human PRGN ELISA KitProgranulin $495Add to Cart
HP0144Human PRCP ELISA KitProlylcarboxypeptidase $495Add to Cart
HP0142Human PP13 ELISA KitPlacental Protein 13 $495Add to Cart
HP0141Human PP ELISA KitPancreatic Polypeptide $495Add to Cart
HP0140Human POMC ELISA KitProopiomelanocortin $495Add to Cart



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Start from $40/each

new technologies

Optimized for enhanced
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XPromoter 2.0
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